We are moving! Starting this Saturday, March 4, we’ll be meeting at the Stillpoint Zen Center in Lawrenceville instead of the Wilkins School Community Center, and we’ll be meeting on Saturday mornings instead of Sundays, (every Saturday EXCEPT the 4th Saturday of every month, which is Stillpoint’s all-day sit—open to all, but a different schedule).
The new address is 137 41st St., Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Saturdays (except every 4th Saturday) from 7-9 & 9-11am
I’m really excited about this change. It will allow us to significantly expand our offerings, and to add our energy and resources to maintaining a dedicated dharma center. The new space will also make it easier for us to plan and hold ceremonies and longer retreats, including bringing Meido Roshi down from Korinji. See you there!