It’s been awhile since our last update, but pausing to reflect—there has been a lot going on! First, the group I volunteer with at the jail has finally been able to re-establish a regular men’s Buddhist meditation group. We’re meeting every Thursday evening in the jail’s chapel space. There was a group before Covid, but since then we’ve only been allowed to do individual visits on the cell blocks. It’s great to be able to offer a safe, quiet space for them to meet and practice together.
And thank you for all the book donations! Dozens of books have arrived. I’m sorry I don’t know exactly how many, as a number have already been distributed as more are arriving—or from who since the jail staff aren’t able to keep a list. But thank you all for your generous support!
We held our second half-day retreat this past Saturday. Two participants arrived the night before, and after setting up we did yaza on the back deck till midnight and then slept out on the deck. Three more arrived early for do-in-ho, choka, zazen and a formal breakfast. The rest of the morning included 3 hours of zazen and kinhin, a half hour outdoor walk down to the riverfront trail, more do-in-ho, and a short chanting service.
And lastly we had our first social hour a few weeks ago. After Monday night zazen we walked a few blocks to a local watering hole and stayed up past bedtime enjoying conversation and camaraderie. The plan is to make this a monthly occurrence.
I kept forgetting to take photos, both at the half-day retreat and the social hour. But we had a good group for Monday night zazen last night and I snuck a quick photo.