“No-Self” Talk & Reading on “Dukkha”

We had a great turn out at our first Monday night practice this past Monday. It was really heartening to see so many faces there–new and old! I have transcribed the talk on “No-Self” and edited and expanded it for clarity and completeness, including some quotations that I only paraphrased in-person, so it will be worth looking at even if you heard the talk. Here’s the talk pdf. We will continue with another of the Three Marks of Existence this coming Monday night with a short talk on the concept of “Dukkha”, followed by a discussion, as we did last week, touching on practical exerience. I’ve also selected a short passage on “dukkha” that you can read before the talk for some useful background, if you like. Find the dukkha pdf here. Hope to see you on Monday night!

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